Marin Memories

Address: Rantatie 110 B, Tuusula
+358 50 5252 193

See and do

Marin Memories

Marin Memories boutique is an ambient interior design and gift shop operating in an old barn, mixing old and new styles freely.
The shop sells home decor items, cushions, tea towels, dishes and cutlery, lanterns, candles, handmade soaps, and plenty of other delightful items for the home or as a perfect gift!

The boutique is open all year round (although in January closed), but opening hours vary according to the seasons:

May – August and November – December:
Wed – Fri  12 – 18
Sat 11 – 15
Sun 12 – 16

September – October and February – April
Wed – Fri  12 – 18
Sat 11 – 15

Facebook / memoriesputiikki

Instagram: @memoriesputiikki

Shopping in the midst of culture

The boutique is located in Tuomala at the northern end of Tuusula’s Rantatie road. There are popular cultural sites nearby, e.g. Halosenniemi, which is open all year round. Ainola and Ahola, open in summer, are not far away either.