Address: Sibeliuksenväylä 57, Järvenpää
Phone: +358 40 315 2213
E-mail: ahola@jarvenpaa.fi
Website: https://www.jarvenpaantaidemuseo.fi/ahola
Open May – September Tuesday to Sunday 10 am – 5 pm
Closed during wintertime.
See and do
Ahola exhibits the life of two artists, painter Venny Soldan-Brofeld and her husband, writer Juhani Aho. Soldan-Brofeldt and Aho were the first of many to settle on the shores of Tuusulanjärvi, in 1897, and the first members of the Tuusulanjärvi artists’ community, later to be joined by composer Jean Sibelius, painter Eero Järnefelt, and painter Pekka Halonen with their families.
The ticket office also has a small museum shop and a café.
How to arrive at Ahola?
By train: Ainola station 15 minute walk, R train from Helsinki and Riihimäki.
By bus: Get directions using HSL Journey Planner www.hsl.fi/en
Within a short walking distance
Walking distances from Ahola to some other interesting attractions:
Ainola, home of Jean and Aino Sibelius 5 minutes
Järvenpää Art Museum 25 minutes
Halosenniemi Museum 40 minutes via museum road Rantatie.
Bicycle hire
You can hire a bicycle by paying he museum entrance fee and leaving your photo ID as collateral. With a combined ticket you can visit both Järvenpää Art Museum and Ahola. You can book a bicycle in advance by sending email to taidemuso@jarvenpaa.fi or just ask for the availability on site.
Author Juhani Aho
National author Aho’s preference for outdoor life is reflected in the museum’s abundance of fishing gear and camping equipment. His books are on display in a variety of ways, including publications that were banned or written under a pseudonym at the time.
Artist Venny Soldan-Brofeldt
Artist Venny Soldan-Brofeldt was instrumental in art education and the women’s movement. As a skilled drawer she was able to instantly capture insightful snapshots on paper. The artist’s sketches, book illustrations, miniature sculptures and jewelry are on display.
Summer 2024
Opening times:
May–September: Tue–Sun 10 am–5 pm
October – April: closed
Permanent exhibition
Guidance by appointment 50 €
For groups over 25 persons 100 €
Ask for the theme guiding!
Service languages: Finnish, Swedish, English
Entrance fee
Adults 9 €
Pensioners 8 €
Children (under 18 years) 0 €
Students 4 €
Combined fee Ahola & Järvenpää Art Museum 12 / 10 / 6 €
Museum Card accepted