Tuusulanjärven Kulttuurimatkat

Phone: +358 40 727 2535 (Tarja), +358 400 520 404 (Pekka)
E-mail: tarja@kulttuurimatkat.fi or pekka@kultturimatkat.fi
Website: www.kulttuurimatkat.fi


Tours by Tuusulajärven kulttuurimatkat

Tuusulanjärvi Kulttuurimatkat organizes guided group tours to the Lake Tuusula area. Bus transportation is also arranged through the company.

Theme tours:
* Finland 100 years
* Military history
* Women behind the Artist Community
* We will also tailor the tours according to your wishes

Inquiries: info@kulttuurimatkat.fi

Qualified guides from the Finnish Guide Association will help with planning and guide you in the area when you plan a:
• tour for your group
• tour of our culture sites for your business guests
• staff recreation day
• anniversary or celebration
• class trip

Guided tours also by bus and car, as well as bike and walking tours.
Guided tour / guide price: minimum 2 h = 100 € + VAT 24 %, next hours 30 € + VAT 24 %.