Sykettä ja Sinfoniaa - event organizer


Sykettä ja Sinfoniaa ry

Syketta ja Sinfoniaa association’s task is to take care of the events and activities of Järvenpää city center. The association promotes the vitality, co-operation and activities of Järvenpää city center. Sykettä ja Sinfoniaa ry organizes many annual events together with local partners.

Syketta ja Sinfoniaa works closely with the City of Järvenpää.

Sykettä ja Sinfoniaa’s office is located on the pedestrian street at Sibeliuksenkatu 16, 2nd floor. Open Tue-Fri from 10 am to 2 pm.
E-mail: kavelykatu (at), phone: 040-3152856.

Header photo: © Maarit Kytöharju / Meidän Festivaali